Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Supreme Court Divided On Same-Sex Marriage

supreme court same sex marriage

Today was a historic day at the Supreme Court where the 9 justices discussed and were divided over the controversial issue of same-sex marriage.  The two questions that were brought before the court were whether or not states can refuse to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples and whether or not states can refuse to recognize same-sex marriage performed elsewhere. The court was extremely divided with 4 justices who were in favor of a constitutional change for same-sex marriage and 4 justices who didn't know if changes centuries of president was a proper thing to do.  In my opinion I don't think anything should matter.  Now I'm not saying pro-same-sex marriage or anti-same-sex but why does it matter? I can't understand why people care about other peoples lives so much.  If a person wants to be someone it should matter if that person is gay, straight, black, white, yellow, brown or blue.  Every person in this country should have the same rights as everyone else.  I think some people really need to get a life and stop being so concerned with how others want to live their lives.

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