Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Low For Walmart?

New Low For Walmart?

Last week Walmart randomly shut down 5 of their stores which put over 2,000 people out of work.  They said that the stores needed to be shut down due to very severe plumbing issues. Although Walmart says that it is due to plumbing issues the real reason is to punish workers for protesting for a higher wage.  The workers were awarded two-months pay after lay off.  By mid-june these workers will be out of work unless they can find a job at a new location.  To me this is ridiculous that Walmart would pull a stunt like this. Workers are being punished for wanting a higher wage for the jobs they work because they believe they are under paid.  I believe that things like this should be illegal and hopefully faces strong repercussions.  The United Food and Commercial union filed an injunction with the National Labor Relations Board on behalf of Walmart to help workers not lose their jobs.  Hopefully this works out because this is a terrible thing to do to the people who help make your business successful.

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