Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cyber Security Failure

This Sums Up The Utter Failure of Cyber Security

Today I stumbled upon and article that shocked me.  I was looking for a Cyber Security article to write about and found "This Sums Up The Utter Failure of Cyber Security".  Jeff Moss, a former hacker who advises the Department of Homeland Security was quoted saying, “The security industry is sort of like the Band-Aid industry, We apply better, faster, bigger Band Aids….But we’re not really fixing the patient.”  To me this is shocking for a person who is very involved with this nations Cyber Security to say.  This is eye opening and needs to be corrected.  As a citizen of the United States we cannot allow this to happen.  Some of the most major corporations have been getting attacked that hold some of the most important information in the entire world.  Cyber Security in the United States is one of our largest concerns moving forward.  

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